About Revo Tron
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Download Revo Tron

Release version, 1.4

910 KB

Release: 28.08.2003

Visual C++ 6.0 source code, 1.4

858 KB

Release: 20.12.2004

Visual Basic 6.0 source code, 1.4

788 KB

Release: 20.02.2005
First release (version 1.0):


Release: 04.08.2002


Notice: You've to extract the zip files with programs like WinZip or WinAce to any directory on your hard disk. Make sure that you extract the zip file with its correct subfolders! After this, run the revotron.exe to start the game, or open the project file with Visual C++ or Visual Basic.


Improvements in version 1.4:


Improvements in version 1.3:


Improvements in version 1.2: